Regions and Tracks
Key driver of the "Enduro Tracks" site is an aged professional in technology and engineering. With a career of more than 30 years, mostly in the domain of information technology and communications, he is now devoted in managing this site. Since here we are dealing with enduro and bikes, a relevant track record is necessary; thus, the site manager has been also an active dirt road biker, since 1970.
A team of enduro enthusiasts has been formed, which jointly select, plan and execute new tracks, continuously enhancing the "Enduro Tracks" portfolio. Most of the team members are holding key positions in prominent multinational companies in information technology and communications. Exception to this rule is one Professor in Fine Arts and another Professor in Mathematics / Arts & Science.
Each participating team member undertakes a specific axis of responsibility before any major enduro event. Primary domains are high level selection of track geographical area, detailed track design (start, end, route, lodging/base, refill points), lodging reservations, supporting equipment (tools, trailers, support vehicles –if required–), photo & video and last but not least the team communication.
It has been more than 10 years that the team has institutionalized the enduro rides planning, execution and field information collection. The concurrent advancement of the technology, in terms of GPS, communication and photo & video, was a decisive factor in the continuous improvement of methods and practices, and hence the quality of the deliverables.
The material posted in this site speaks by itself.